Interesting older emails


This document contains various emails received from Dumas Cousins before this the "Los Primos Dumas" group was created:
1. Marta Dumas de Romano's recounts stories about Pierre Julian Dumas and Maximino Dumas.
2. Enrique Dumas tells his story of Pierre Julian Dumas and his sons.
1. The following story is from Marta Dumas de Romano sent to Juan Dumas in 2003 (Use Google Translate at if you don't understand Spanish):

Hola Juan:
creo que te gustara saber esto que me fue contado por mi tío Julián Dumas hermano de Maximino y de mi papa Cruz B. Dumas.
El Francés Pierre Julián Dumas, LLego a Sinaloa casado y vivía cerca de Dona Juana Uriarte(mi abuela paterna) la esposa del Francés(mi abuelo
paterno) estaba enferma doña Juana como toda buena vecina y muy compasiva le daba la mano para cuidarla pues la esposa estaba bastante enferma.  murió ELLA y el Francés le propuso matrimonio  a Dona Juana, por supuesto la familia no quería y le dijeron a Dona Juana tu te casas y no queremos saber mas de ti. Se casaron y se vinieron, en aquellos tiempos no había carreteras así que les tomo tiempo hacer el recorrido.
No se si estés enterado que el abuelo Francés era minero de corazón, y durante el recorrido el se dedicaba a lo que era su trabajo la minería.
Sucedió que el trayecto nació tu abuelo Maximino, era un niño blanco hermoso y en ese tiempo muchos indios yaqui mayos en la región, una india le dijo a la Abuela Juana que que hermoso niño tenia y ella le dijo de broma te lo regalo.  La india en un descuido se lo llevo y ya te puedes imaginar como quedaría la abuela Juana, se dedicaron a buscarlo cosa que no era difícil por que se notaba mucho el nino por que era muy blanco. total que ella le dijo a su marido cuando llegaron a Guaymas aquí me quedo, el se iba de minero y ella tenia vacas para ayudarse con la venta de la leche y quesos y una panadería.
Como dos veces le avisaron a la abuela que su marido había muerto a manos de los indios Yaquis, ella se vestía de luto y el aparecía,
la ultima vez fue cierto a el y a otros mineros los emboscaron los indios Yaquis y los mataron les arrancaron las cabelleras, quedo enterrado en un lugar que se llama Cumuripa, ahora ese lugar esta inundado por la presa Alvaro Obregón que fue construida para almacenar el agua que trae el río Yaqui.
Cuando el Abuelo estaba en Guaymas se dedicaba a transportar gente de la estación del ferrocarril a el barrio de la Aurora, que queda a la salida de Guaymas, tenia una carroza atirada por caballos y el gritaba para llamar la atención de los que querían su servicio LA CARRETELA GRANDE Y
NOVA me imagino que tenia acento en el español 
Volviendo al cuento del matrimonio me decía mi tío oJulilan que ella fue muy orgullosa y nunca volvió a su casa que estaba situada en el Palmar de los Leales en Sinaloa.

Si vas a Culiacán, Sinaloa visita la catedral y en u;na de las puertas arriba dice 'ESTA CATEDRAL FUE TERMINADA POR EL SR. OBISPO JOSE DE JESUS URIARTE, el era tio de Dona Juana, como ves eran gentes bien y me imagino que economicamente mejor.
Juan si algo no te quedo claro escribeme y dime yo con gusto te contesto.  Espero este relato te sirva para agregar a tu arbol o como una anecdota mas.    Marta

2. The following story is exerpted from an email sent from Enrique Dumas to Juan Dumas,Jr. in 1999.

Enrique Dumas story of his grandfather Pierre Julian Dumas:
My mother married Cruz B. Dumas, the youngest son of Pierre Julian Dumas, originaly from France. Our ancesters tell us Pierre Julian came with the troops of Maxilian of Hapsburg. And as the French army left Mexico he was left behind. He was married. However, I do not know if his wife was from France or from Mexico. I guess he had decided to live in the North of Mexico or perhaps in the United States of America. During his trip North and as he was going through the State of Sinaloa his wife became sick. They had to stop in what I think was the ranch of the family Uriarte-Valdez. This family offered them all kinds of hospitality, and everything they needed. Pierre Julian wife's health did not improve, and soon after she died. My grandmother was a daughter to the Uriarte-Valdez family. Her name was Juana, and was seventeen years of age, and even though Pierre Julian was a man into his fifties, a romance started between them. This situation was not approved of by my great grand parents, but being that my grandmother was a woman of strong character, her decision to marry Pierre Julian was not changed. She married the Frenchman, and with the help of her parents who gave them wagons and animals to pull them, they left north bound until they reached Guaymas Sonora in Mexico. My grandfather wanted to look for gold and silver, and this area was a good place to start. This is what he did for the rest of his life. During that time the Apache and Yaqui Indians, were fighting the “yoris" (whites) they regained all the lands that by right were theirs and had been expropriated by the white people. They killed a lot of people including my grandfather, Pierre Julian. Twice my grandmother was in mourning because she got the news that my grandfather had been killed by the Indians. My grandfather was killed in a hamlet that is now under the waters of the Oviachi dam. Meanwhile, my grandmother had started a bakery and had some cows, so I think she was in the business of selling milk and other dairy products. She died in July of 1924, and I was born in November the same year. She was buried in the Dumas Plot in the San Fernando Cemetery in Guaymas next to my father, my mother and other family members. My grandmother had three sons, Julian B. Dumas, Maximino Dumas and my father Cruz B. Dumas. My uncle Julian married Guadalupe Menecez and lived in the Guaymas area and was in the farming business all his life. They had four children, Alejandro, Julian, Anita and Jesus. They also dedicated their lives to the farming and cattle business. My uncle Maximino married Virginia Robinson also from Guaymas and established themselves in the city of Los Angeles. They had five children Juan, Maximino, Eloiza, Virginia y Ofelia. Juan and Maximino were the founders of the Dumas of California Co. that manufactured coats for women that were very popular and were sold in the best department stores in the Los Angeles area.