Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Companion Sites.
A Facebook group called "Los Primos Dumas" at http://www.facebook.com/groups/LosPrimosDumas/ is available for those with Facebook accounts, and for those that don't have a Facebook account, there is a blog at http://DumasCousins.blogspot.com

Monday, January 16, 2012

Who are the Dumas cousins?

There are many Dumases all over the world.  The particular cousins that this blog intends as its posting population are any descendants of Pierre Julian Dumas and Juana Uriarte.  Julian (as he was called in Mexico) and Juana were residents of Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.  They had three sons, Julian, Maximino and Cruz.  Details of this descendancy will be made clearer as more posts accumulate.

First Dumas Cousins Post - What's it about?

This blog is intended to allow any Dumas cousin to post items relative to family memories, genealogy of the Dumas family, creative writings on any subject, old family photos and the like.  If I've missed a category of importance, please post and let us know what it is.